







  二套周日19:00首播 一套周五14:00 十套12:00、19:00重播

Friends from afar  
  These children are from the brass band of Germany Hamburg Christianeum Middle School. Their school has been the sister school of the junior high school of Beijing University for many years. After the students in the junior high school of Beijing University have visited Christianeum Middle School, the Christianeum students will also come to China. They will communicate with the Chinese students about music.

  Their first destination is a famous historic site—the Great Wall. The students composed a special melody just for their visit to the Great Wall, which seven students perform. Because there are many ebullient Chinese friends surrounding them, they all feel very nervous. After good preparation, wonderful music slowly pours out of their instruments.

  It is these children's first time to visit the Great Wall, so everything on the Great Wall is very new to them. Everyone wants to remember this scene forever; they are busy taking pictures.

  The journey to the Great Wall has brought the children excitement and novelty. The children leave for the CCTV station to participate in an English Talk show from the OUTLOOK English magazine. While at the studio, the children perform a wonderful jazz piece – "Give Me Some Loving." The upbeat music and the pulsatile notes will soon be transmitted to every family in China. Later, the German children talk about the music they performed.

  The music brings enjoyment and happiness to the children and the music is also a perfect way to communicate. It helps people from different countries to become friends. The junior high school of Beijing University is the sister school of the Christianeum Middle School. While at the junior high school of Beijing University, the German students have met a lot of their age mates.

  This is one of the junior high school of Beijing University's concert halls. After a while, there will be a concert here, and the students from the two countries will communicate with each other through music.

  The performance of the German students begins with a Chinese folk song—"Jasmine", sung by Laura Spreugler. She sings the song in Chinese, so she receives a storm of applause from the Chinese students.

  The German students perform jazz. They focus on the style of several instruments. Often, the students from one section would perform while the other students played accompanied them. The band worked together harmoniously.

  Even though the students of the junior high school of Beijing University used the same instruments as the German students had the classical and folk music that they played sounded unique and new to their German counterparts.

  I think many differences between our two bands. The kinds of music we play more than music like jazz, rock or sometimes pop. They are playing more classical songs.

  The German students were also able to get a taste of eastern art, when they watched a dance performed by the students of the junior high school of Beijing University dancing team.

  Kathryn Pecota used to play in the band. Since she is a good singer, she now only sings with the band. The German students' band performance ends with a successful solo sung by Kathyn.

  I like this band because I like the way the music song together, the way they play together and the type music they play, so I was like to sing for this band because I really enjoy it. It's a great experience.

  The concert is coming to a close. The German children take pictures with the Chinese teachers and students. They will have sweet dreams tonight and they will become pulsatile notes in this campus tomorrow.

  Music is becoming a bridge of friendship between the Chinese students and the German students. Today, some German middle school students will experience the campus life of Chinese students at the junior high school of Beijing University. In so doing, they hope to gain a better understanding of the day to day life of Chinese middle school students.

  The German children are attracted by the pictures in the school's display case. These pictures are about their school. The students in the junior high school of Beijing University took them when they visited the Christianeum Middle School in Hamburg.

  Later, the children enter the chemistry lab of the science building. The various of chemical reagents in the chemical lab's display case are not unfamiliar to them.

  However, the instruments in the physical lab arouse many boys' interests. Look, this little boy is watching with rapt attention.

  I know this machine from Germany, but in Germany just our teacher has it. Here I saw several students they can use it and make the experience. In Germany just the teachers show it. This is very good school, very good materials, and very good quality.

  After the children leave the lab, they come to the eastern painting classroom. In addition to appreciating the pictures painted by the students in the junior high school of Beijing University, the children also want to display their own artistic skills. Several students pick up painting brushes and begin to paint at the easels. This little girl is the youngest one in the band. Let's look at what she is painting.

  It is different between our houses in Germany and Chinese house. The Chinese house always like this, the roof is a (kind of eaves), and the Germany's are normal roof. It's funny to see that, so I've drawn it.

  These Chinese writing brushes are very different from western painting brushes; they are distinctive and capture the interest of these children. One girl is painting just like a professional.

  Two of the boys are very interested in Chinese characters, so they stay in the art classroom and, with the teacher's help, learn how to write their Chinese names with the writing bushes.

  I ask my teacher for showing me how to write my name in Chinese letters, my name is Christopher and but it's very difficult because all letters are not like the letters in Germany and I have to try.

  In order to help the German children learn more about Chinese culture, the teachers of the junior high school of Beijing University arranged a special lecture for these children on Wushu. The teacher taught them about one of the quintessential aspects of China—Taiji. The supernatural qualities of Chinese Gongfu cause the children to become very engrossed in their learning. After over an hour of exercise their movements are just like professionals.

  It's a good sport because you move all parts of your body, so every muscle is moving, it's really interesting.

  We just have the lesson in Taiji. I really interested because this is totally different kind of sport to we have in Germany, we can't do this in Germany.

  I mean we have some practice course. we can do it, but this is just totally new area for us. So many of us really curiously to learn that kind of sport.

  In the evening, the teachers and students in the junior high school of Beijing University prepare a sumptuous dinner for the German children. The children taste the delicious Chinese food and talk with their Chinese friends, with whom they are now very familiar. Each of these children has personal feelings about their journey to China.

  I mean it's basic thing of education. It's part of your life because with that you are able to communicate better. They take a lot of time, but I think it's worthy because I think It's a part of education, will help me in my life.

  We like the foreign friends very much because we can talk about different custom and different habits and different foods.

  We got along very well. I hope she is going to the Germany in summer to meet again her.

  The visit is over and the German children will now go back to their familiar environment. But they will always remember every minute of their time in China. They bring music and friendship to China and go away with well wishes from many Chinese children.




  长城之旅带给德国乐团孩子们的是兴奋与新奇,从长城上来之后,孩子们又应邀来到了中央电视台,参与《希望—英语杂志》栏目的谈话节目。在演播厅中,孩子们演奏了优美的爵士乐曲《Give Me Some Loving》,激昂的音乐、跳动的音符,将传递到中国的千家万户。随后,德国乐团的孩子们又聊起了他们的音乐。





  Kathryn Pecota 曾经也是这个乐团里的乐手,由于她在唱歌方面很有天赋,所以现在是乐团里唯一的歌手,她的演唱为德国乐团的演出画上了一个圆满的句号。





















  Laura Spreugler演唱了一首中国民歌《茉莉花》拉开了德国乐团表演的序幕,由于她是用汉语唱的,所以赢来了北大附中学生们的阵阵喝彩。

