UK-China Economic and Financial Dialogue II Policy Outcomes
3. UK will consult and exchange views with China on the Department for International Development's policies on development.
4. As part of the UK's G20 Chair year, China and the South Africans will co-host the Financing for Development workshop under the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting.
5. UK and China agree to jointly draft a new MoU between the UK Department for Work and Pensions and the Chinese Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.
Session II: Financial Stability and Capital Market Development
6. UK and China re-iterate their commitment to continue to take actions to reform the regulation of the financial sector as agreed in the London Summit communiqu, in line with the principles of strengthening transparency and accountability, enhancing sound regulation, promoting integrity in financial markets and reinforcing international cooperation.
7. UK and China agree to build on current regulatory exchange and cooperation between their respective financial regulatory authorities (FSA, CBRC, CSRC and CIRC), including discussions between relevant parties on steps following China's accession to the Financial Stability Board and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.
8. FSA and CIRC have exchanged letters on mutual cooperation.