Headline News


UK-China Economic and Financial Dialogue II Policy Outcomes

9. Both sides will continue to support qualified Chinese companies to list on the London Stock Exchange through various listing routes, and work together swiftly to progress this.

10. China and UK agree to expand financial sector technical collaboration and exchange programme agreed by Vice-Premier Wang and Chancellor at the First EFD, specially to focus on:

-- Financial stability issues, including international financial sector standards;

-- Capital market development covering equities and bond markets, product innovation and risk management;

-- SME financing;

-- Investor education;

-- Insurance and private pensions;

-- Asset management

-- Collaboration opportunities between the relevant parties of China and the UK-based International Centre for Financial Regulation.

11. China agrees to allow qualified foreign companies, including UK companies to list on its stock exchange through issuing shares or depository receipts in accordance with relevant prudential regulations;

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