UK-China Economic and Financial Dialogue II Policy Outcomes
17. UK reaffirms its support for China's market economy status at as early a date as possible and will continue to play a constructive role to encourage EU recognition;
18. We are in full agreement on the advantages of maintaining free trade and the multi-lateral trading system. We must remain committed to the principles set out at the London Summit. Summit to rejection all forms of protectionism, underpin prosperity and refrain from erecting new barriers to investment or trade. Both sides commit to continuing close cooperation, locking in of the consensus and outcomes achieved so far in the Doha round negotiations, to achieve a comprehensive and balanced conclusion of the negotiation at an early date. This world send a good signal of how the international community can work together to boost global prosperity and meet our development goals.
19. Both sides recognize the constructive role and sovereign wealth funds can play in stabilizing the world economy, and boosting global demand, the UK from sovereign Wealth Funds.
20. China and the UK agree to take advantage of the Joint Economic and Trade Commission to explore effective ways to achieve the bilateral trade target and to enrich EFD Outcomes.
21. China and UK will actively implement the MoU on strengthening trade and investment cooperation in Chinese regional cities between the Ministry of Commerce of China and the Department of Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform and the China-Britain Business Council of the UK, including in the mid-west of and the northeast of China, so as to enhance the trade and investment cooperation between the two countries.
Editor:Liu Anqi